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Rehabilitation is often overlooked as just another step in the healing process of an injury. At Restorative Physical Medicine in Livonia and Novi, Michigan, rehabilitation is a multistep treatment protocol that not only heals your injury but decreases their chances of developing chronic pain. The expert team understands how to help patients regain their ability to move freely through life again. To learn more, call or use the online booking tool to schedule an appointment.

What is rehabilitation?

The team at Restorative Physical Medicine understands the intricacies of the human biomechanical system and how the different parts of the human body need to work together to provide you with optimal, pain-free, and unencumbered mobility. 

Whether you’re an athlete or a grandparent who enjoys being active with the grandchildren, mobility and flexibility can mean the difference between playing a game of tag or being laid up on the couch.

The team at Restorative Physical Medicine approaches your problem from every angle to restore your quality of life.

What can rehabilitation be used for?

The rehabilitation services at Restorative Physical Medicine are ideal for most any physical problems, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Spinal irregularities
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Pain along your spine and neck 

Your provider starts with an integrative approach to customizing your treatment program. The specially trained team comes together to improve your function and the movement of your body with an individualized rehab program to speed up your recovery.

What happens during rehabilitation?

The team at Restorative Physical Medicine creates a series of individualized exercises tailored to your goals that build strength, as well as increase your energy and enhance your mobility.

At Restorative Physical Medicine, your team uses only the latest in mobility tools and techniques so you can be certain that your journey toward a better-functioning body is hands-on, safe, and effective.

Is rehabilitation preventive?

Yes, rehabilitation doesn't only work to alleviating your immediate issue but also decreases your chances of experiencing pain in the future. 

The team at Restorative Physical Medicine ensures that your individualized treatment program also works to strengthen and stabilize your weakened areas to prevent further problems.

Whether you’d like to address an acute injury or a chronic problem, call Restorative Physical Medicine to learn more, or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment.

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