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Scoliosis, or the abnormal curvature of your spine, can cause concern and discomfort as you grow. The experts at Restorative Physical Medicine in Livonia and Novi, Michigan, know how to correct and treat scoliosis. With decades of experience, the team can help you find and maintain long-term comfort, function, and health. To address scoliosis and learn more, book a consultation by phone or online today.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a disorder that creates a sideways curvature of your spine. Rather than a straight backbone resembling an “I” shape, scoliosis might make your backbone more closely resemble a “C” or “S” shape. 

It’s estimated that 3 of every 100 people have scoliosis. It’s most common between the ages of 10 and 20, and the curvature tends to worsen during growth spurts. It’s also more common in girls than boys, though men and women of all ages can have it. 

Usually, the condition causes no problems. In mild cases, it may cause back, shoulder, or neck pain. In severe cases, respiratory, digestive, and mobility problems may occur, as well as pain during menstruation.

What causes scoliosis?

In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. This is referred to as idiopathic scoliosis and is categorized by age:

  • Infantile: Affecting those 3 years old and younger
  • Juvenile: Affecting children 4-10 years old
  • Adolescent: Affecting children 11-18 years old

Two additional types are much rarer. Congenital is present at birth and results from a malformation of the baby’s spine or rib bones. 

Neuromuscular is caused by a nervous system problem that affects your muscles; this is often considered secondary scoliosis as it is associated with more severe conditions like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and polio. 

For prognostic purposes, scoliosis types are also broadly classified into either structural or nonstructural. Structural refers to when the spine’s curve is fixed. This is more often caused by injury, birth defect, or disease, like in congenital and neuromuscular scoliosis. 

Nonstructural refers to when the spine itself is structurally healthy while the curve is only temporary. In these cases, the team at Restorative Physical Medicine is able to identify and take corrective measures. 

How is scoliosis treated?

Treatment is entirely dependent on whether you’re still growing and the severity of your curve. If you’re still growing and the curve is only mild, you may require nothing more than close monitoring with check-ups every few months.

If you’re still growing and the curve is more moderate, the team at Restorative Physical Medicine may recommend a brace. The brace is customized based on the curve and fitted specifically to you. You wear the brace every day for a prescribed number of hours to facilitate gradual correction.

In the most severe cases where the curve may get worse over time or make daily living as an adult very difficult, the Restorative Physical Medicine team may recommend surgery. 

The Restorative Physical Medicine team always ensures that you understand your condition and the treatment options. 

If you suffer from scoliosis, contact Restorative Physical Medicine by calling or booking online today. 

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